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   0. DNF. I couldn’t stand this story or these characters to the point that I couldn’t continue.  

  1. I pretty much hated everything. Didn't like the themes (to the point of repulsion), didn't like the writing style, constant inconsistencies and errors, etc. 

  2. I had issues with only one of the above. Most commonly, it's just not my thing, but it wasn't necessarily bad.

  3. Something about it was great: the world building, the characters, the plot... or two of these things were good, but not great. 

  4. More than one thing about this book was great. I’ll enjoy re-reading it at some point in the future maybe.

  5. I want to live here. I want to be these characters and experience their growth, be a part of the world, the plot held me captive. I will reread this. Probably 75 times.

Final Rating: Text
Final Rating.png
Final Rating: Image
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